Does this sound like you?
You are someone who wants to be a force for good in this world. Someone who would define “success” as doing something that you are deeply passionate about that makes a real impact on others and on the world.
You are here to serve - to share your unique talents, experiences and creations, knowing that there is more to life than grinding out a corporate 9-5.
You love the freedom that comes from owning your own business and the thought of sitting in an office grinding out TPS reports makes you want to gag.
But then there’s the “stuff” that comes up.
You know, like those little voices in your head that say things like, “Who are YOU to be doing this? You really think you have what it takes to succeed?”
Or, it’s the stuff that pushes you into working so hard to “do it all right”that you’re no longer having fun. It’s the pressure to have the “perfect” website, present the “perfect” pitches to investors and prospects, be the “right” face for the business, be the boss that everyone likes, etc., etc., etc.
In fact, you may be feeling flat-out exhausted, overwhelmed, and burnt-out.
It’s that stuff - the stuff of self-doubt, the pressure of trying to be good enough, the moments of feeling out of control (or the moments of being too controlling), maybe even the occasional thought of being an imposter - that sneaks its way in and holds you back.
Well, guess what?!
Why? Because we now have science-based, research-backed, PROVEN tools to help us CHANGE OUR THOUGHTS and CHANGE OUR BRAINS.
So, say goodbye to the “stuff” and hello to more success, less stress, and more FUN!
Here’s the good news:
By harnessing the latest breakthroughs in neuroscience, performance science, and cognitive psychology, we have the ability to literally reprogram our brains in a way that this “stuff” begins to dissolve, as our full power and abilities emerge in its place.
All we need is the right training, the right program to help us do so.
It’s right here waiting for you. No, seriously, it really is.
I know how hard it can be to be an entrepreneur (I am one myself and struggled for years with all sorts of self-sabotaging thoughts that held me back) and that’s what lead me to develop this powerful system for helping others.
By combining traditional coaching with the breakthrough, brain-boosting system of Positive Intelligence® I help my clients not only gain fresh perspectives, greater clarity, and powerful insights, but also help them literally strengthen and rewire their brains.
Old, self-limiting beliefs and behaviors give way to a whole new way of operating with more confidence, more ease, and more success.
It’s a game changer.
So, if you are:
A) In the business of helping others and making positive change, whether that’s as a coach, a youth mentor, a Yoga teacher, a Reiki practitioner, a clean energy consultant, an herbalist, a wilderness therapist, or any other business that comes from your heart and soul
B) Sick and tired of letting your “stuff” get in the way of being the person you know you are meant to be
C) Ready to stop being directed by those self-sabotaging voices and start being led by your untethered heart and soul (what I call your “Inner Compass”)
then I encourage you to reach out for a free, friendly, totally zero pressure and 100% confidential consultation.
Simply put, It’s my dream to help you live out yours.
How it Works: “The Dynamic Duo”
Strategy #1 - Positive Intelligence
Think about this: when you are physically fit, you can hike up big hills without breaking much of a sweat. Fall out of shape however, and you lose your edge. The physical stresses on your body become too much and you experience discomfort and lack of peak performance.
Well, what about your mental fitness? The same is true! When we are mentally fit, we have the “muscles” to handle life and business challenges without feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, anxious, angry, or just plain unhappy. Like the hiker whose body can handle the steep hill, you can learn how to live with grace, composure, and joy even when the going gets tough! You just have to train for it.
Positive Intelligence, developed by researcher and Stanford lecturer Shirzad Chamine, is a science-based, technology-enabled, PROVEN program to increase your productivity, boost your emotional IQ, and improve your health & wellness.
It synthesizes the key breakthroughs in 4 major branches of science, and then bolsters that with powerful insights gained from over 400,000 participants from 50 countries.
Using the latest technology, the Positive Intelligence program brings the power of neuroscience and brain change to your fingertips, in an easy to use, fully guided program right on your smartphone.
You get incredibly informative videos, transformative daily practices, a mental “gym” to build your mental muscles at your convenience, notifications to keep you on-track, plus built-in performance monitors so you can view your progress as you literally change your brain for the better.
Strategy #2 - Co-Active Coaching
Co-Active Coaching is about being in an inspiring, empowering, and supportive relationship in which we actively work together with curiosity and non-judgement to:
Gain greater clarity around changes that will drastically improve performance and happiness
Explore deep-seated belief systems and inner dialogues that may be holding you back
Learn powerful tools and resources to help make empowering changes
Build increased self-empowerment and engagement with inner wisdom
Provide on-going support and encouragement to keep you moving forward!
All of this is done within a safe, compassionate space where you can breathe, explore, experiment, fantasize, and strategize without limitations. It is a place where you can speak your full truth without fear of judgement. It is a place where “failure” is acknowledged as a means of learning and growth. It is a place that is designed with you and for you.
The Science behind co-active coaching:
From the Co-Active Training Institute website:
According to Dr. Carol Kauffman, founder and director of the Institute of Coaching and faculty of Harvard Medical School for over 25 years, “Co-Active Training Institute (CTI) offers a gold standard of coach training, and the Co-Active model behind it is remarkably congruent with a vast body of research in positive psychology and coaching.
Science has revealed that when the brain is influenced by the chemicals associated with stress, it is less creative and less able to think of long-term solutions. Co-Active principles offer a variety of ways to help individuals move out of a reactive state and create new possibilities for moving forward, with tools and skills that can be linked to neuroscientifically proven stress-reduction techniques, right-left hemisphere integration, and neuroplasticity. Because there is no judgment or evaluation in Co-Active coaching and leadership development, the client remains open to input and is much more able to access their own unique creativity to develop solutions that move them forward.
The Power of these two strategies combined
The latest research in behavior change is clear… If we want true lasting change, we have to do more than just set goals or create new plans.
I don’t want that for my clients, and you certainly don’t want that for yourself.
That is exactly why I paired these 2 methodologies together!
To bring you the results you want, we will work to clarify your dreams for your life and business AND build your mental muscles so that you make these dreams a reality! No more sabotage by those pesky thoughts and old habits!
“Coaching has truly transformed my life. I have learned SO much about myself, discovered my “hidden” talents, and have gained the confidence to do what truly matters to ME. It has been an incredible journey of self-discovery and empowerment.”
What to expect from me:
A professionally trained Co-Active Coach with hundreds of hours of the highest caliber coach training in the industry, plus years of my own professional development and research
Access to the latest technology and training in neuroscience and behavior change as an authorized Positive Intelligence facilitator/trainer
Someone who will see you from the perspective of your fullest potential
Someone who will help you learn, grow, and make your highest impact on the world
Someone who is deeply committed, compassionate, enthusiastic, and who you can lean on